

Admission Criteria

Our prospective admission must:

  • Exhibit a pattern of harmful alcohol/chemical misuse. You must have a desire to stop drinking alcohol or using mood-altering drugs.
  • Be free of mood-altering chemicals for at least 72 hours before admission, or be medically or socially detoxed.
  • Thoroughly understand the program and willingness to stay and participate for at least 28 days. We also expect a desire to change by following your daily schedule and the directions of the staff.
  • Take care of your physical needs.
  • Shave daily as we do not allow beards or goat tees. We require a neat haircut that’s always above the collar. You must have no earrings or other body ornaments while in treatment.
  • Maintain good personal hygiene.
  • Take care of all legal, medical, and dental problems prior to admission.
  • Provide background medical information.
  • If you are:
  • Taking medication prescribed by your physician, you will need a statement from your doctor indicating why you need this medication. You are required to have this prior to being admitted for treatment. Also, you will need a 30-day supply of this medication
  • If you are married or in a committed relationship, we require that your partner bring you to treatment. If not possible, the person you live with or an immediate family member should come with you. We need to cover our family and visitation policies with this individual. Please contact our Admissions Office at (910) 895-3243 for more details.

Must Have Items for Admission

What to Bring

  • Several changes of casual clothing for classes during the week. Your apparel must include full-length blue jeans, casual slacks (neat), and shirts that have collars.
  • Shorts and t-shirts, (with no alcohol ads or suggestive writing on them) are fine for chores on Saturday and after class hours. Please do not bring tank tops, caps and head gear.
  • A suit or sport coat with a tie for Sunday Spiritual Service.
  • Your own toilet articles, razor, shaving cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. Do not bring mouthwash (unless it’s alcohol-free) and pack only one bottle of aftershave lotion or cologne.
  • If you use clippers to shave, please bring them with you.
  • Towels, washcloths, and bed linens are furnished.

What Not to Bring

  • Over-the-Counter Medications
  • Knives
  • Radios
  • Cassette/MP3 Players
  • iPods
  • Laptops
  • Playing Cards
  • Games of Any Type
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Videos
  • Cap or Headgear

Non-Discrimination Policy

Our facility offers residential treatment regardless of
race, religion, national origin, duration of residence, sexual orientation,
physical or mental well-being, and ability to pay
as long as you are 18 years or older.
When appropriate, we provide priority status to IV drug users.

Visitation Policy

  • Our guests may have visitors after they complete 14 days of treatment.
  • Visitors are limited to immediate family members and close friends. They are also allowed to visit on the third and fourth Sundays of our guest’s stay.
  • All visitors must be listed on the guest's "Visitation Form" which is approved by his individual counselor. If your name is not listed you may not visit.
  • Visitors must arrive and leave on time because our visitation hours are strictly enforced for the benefit of our guest's recovery program. Please do not come to our facility more than 15 minutes before the Spiritual Service on Sunday or before the scheduled visitation begins.
  • All visitors must attend the Family Program Session every Sunday morning before their afternoon visit unless other arrangements have been made in advance.

Times for Visitation

  • Sunday Spiritual Service at 9:00 AM
  • Brief Visit With Family 10:00 AM Until 10:30 AM
  • Family Program Session 10:30 AM Until 11:30 AM

Other Reminders

  • Families are asked to leave Samaritan Colony by 12:00 noon and return for their afternoon visit from 1:00 PM until 3:00 PM.
  • Visitation for Sunday Spiritual Service applies only to the two Sundays that the guest is eligible to have visitors.
  • Family members and loved ones who have questions about the Visitation Policy or hours are encouraged to speak with a counselor or the director.


We allow our guests to send two letters a week and we have stamps available for purchase. They may also receive mail from their loved ones. We strongly advise families not to overload our guests with letters, especially in their first two weeks. To send mail, please refer to this address: 136 Samaritan Drive, Rockingham NC, 28379.

Financial Policy

Referrals from Sandhills Center LME/MCO are subject to a Sliding Fee Scale, thus their rates will depend on their ability to pay. Their admission fee will be added to their bill after they’ve finished the program. Those who are not referred by Sandhills must pay the admission fee at the time of admission and settle their balance upon program completion.
You may contact us at (910) 895-3243 for any inquiries about our financial policy

Start Your Recovery Journey

Call a counselor at (910) 895-3243